4 Automated Production Progress
Automated Production Progress alloes a constant check of the order and it guarantees quality of the final product and rapidity of delivery.
Pegaso Cablaggi has got 30 years of experience in industrial harness sector. This allows to Pegaso to produce multi purpose items. The experience of our technicians together with a continuous innovation of our machineries, make possible the realization of any kind of harness. For this, Pegaso Cablaggi can satisfy its customers' requests, in different sectors like automotive, domestic appliances, electric gate openers, pumps, welding, cleaners and the electronical area.
Pegaso Cablaggi is a 4.0 company that is continuously investing in updated softwares and modern machinaries. For this, Pegaso Cablaggi can place itself among the sector leaders and can guarantee the quality of his products and a flexibility in delivering.
Every working step is tracked: this means that there is a continuous check of the advanced of production cycles. We can give real time data to our customers.
Automated Production Progress alloes a constant check of the order and it guarantees quality of the final product and rapidity of delivery.
The harness working line provides a first step of preparation for the next passage of the electrical wires production and it follows successively a default iter.
The Crimping is a very important step in the realization of the harness, it provides the application of the electric terminals.
It is a very important passage of the working line in the harness working.